Greetings Dear Friends!
I'm posting a little early this week because I am flying out tomorrow to meet with my publisher for the next few days. Most of you know that I post every Monday, but this time, my usual post will appear on Wednesday when I return.
In the meantime I want to share something very important with you. Some of you who know me know that the issue of human trafficking has been weighing on me for the last year or two. Through a series of divine connections, I was introduced to a POWERFUL mission that is very close to my heart. International Justice Mission works tirelessly to rescue little girls forced into prostitution, prosecute the perpetrators, transition the victims back into life, and strengthen communities so they will no longer allow such a practice to take place. Well I am thrilled to tell you that I've recently joined with Christian artist Sara Groves as Minnesota's representatives for IJM.
We will be hosting a fund raising banquet on Tuesday, May 15th, 2007; please mark your calendars, save your money, and plan on joining us if you live in the area.
Jesus calls us to release the captives, rescue those in need, and bring justice to the oppressed.
IJM is doing just that.
Please consider supporting this powerful organization. I would love to see you in May.
That's all for now~
Blessings to you and yours!