Susie Larson - Speaking



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Speaking Topics

Your Beautiful Purpose

We so want each day to matter - to serve God in big and small ways. But how, especially when everday responsibilities, work, fears, and other obstacles get in the way? And what exactly is our purpose in Christ Jesus? It's to walk intimately with Him. It's to do the next thing He tells us to do. It's to give Him access to our soul and our story. And if we dare, it's to ask Him to do the impossible in and through us. God's will for us is our best-case-scenario, and His greatest desire is to engage us in an intimate relationship with Him. He longs to change us and through us, change the world. This message will help you:

  • Discern how God is using your hardships and trials to train you for His best purpose for your life
  • Embrace the idea that God is wisely good and that He's writing a beautiful story with your life
  • Trust that He'll lead you to the high ground in every season of life
  • Learn how to keep the faith and keep perspective when your dream seems far off

Staying by the Well: A Call to go Deeper

How do we grow in our walk with Christ? It is through the healings and dealings of God. As we allow Him to heal the deep hurts from our past; the ones that steal our joy and rob us of our perspective, we will dare to trust Him with our future. And as we allow Him to deal with issues in our character, the things that trip us up time and times again, we find ourselves abandoning “self confidence” for a priceless holy confidence and humble dependence. By looking at Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well, we will be challenged and motivated not only to be real but also to be in hot pursuit of all that Christ wants us to be. God has more for us! Let Susie challenge you to:

  • Disarm the power of other people’s opinions
  • Learn to embrace the fact that you’re a work in progress
  • Enjoy a Christ-like confidence amidst your critics
  • Lower self-protection to enjoy authentic relationships
  • Give Jesus full access to your heart and character

Embracing Your Freedom

How do we move past our fears and the lies that keep us bound to our past? And are we really called to change the world? This message will challenge you to face down your fears, confront your insecurities, and encourage you to step out into God’s grander purpose for your life! It’s time we stop accommodating our insecurities and making rules around our fears. We possess all in Christ and He has made it possible for us to live with courage, boldness, and faith. Walk with Susie as she helps you to:

  • Contend with the fears that contend with you
  • Know increased boldness in the face of insecurities
  • Gain a greater perspective on God’s heart for the world

The Uncommon Woman

What does it mean to be un-common? The uncommon woman is willing to walk away from petty conversations because she has better things to do with her time. She is willing to forgive those who offend her because she cherishes her oneness with God. She stands strong against the lies of the enemy and yet she humbly bows before her Lord. She perseveres in the face of battle, she cares about the hurting, and she believes God’s promises are true for her. Walk with Susie as she helps you to:

  • Get over the need for others’ approval
  • Feel more equipped to handle conflicts with other women
  • Understand your extreme value in Christ
  • Become a source of refreshment and encouragement to others

Intimacy with God

True intimacy is linked with familiarity, warmth, affection, and confidence. God’s heart is to woo us into this kind of divine relationship with Him. As the days grow evil and the times more chaotic, God invites us to be continually refreshed in His presence. Nothing speaks peace to a world in need like a soul that knows how to rest in God. And nothing will bless our own lives more than the firm belief that God cherishes us. Even in hard times, we have more than enough because we have Him. What are the hindrances to intimacy with God and how do we overcome them? What components are necessary to sustain a genuine and lasting relationship with Jesus? Are you looking to be revived and fortified in your walk of faith? Susie will help you:

  • Understand what you possess in Christ as a child of God
  • Feel more confidence in approaching God
  • Transform a surface relationship to an intimate friendship
  • Experience a deeper sense of God’s presence during prayer times

Living the Promised Life

The Bible tells us that we have access to every spiritual blessing and that overwhelming victory is ours in Christ Jesus. We are promised abounding grace and peace for all times in every season. God tells us that all of His promises are true and they are for us because we belong to Him! When we read the accounts of Jesus life in the New Testament, we find a Savior who gets most excited when His followers have faith and believe in what He says. The days are growing more evil, but we have every reason for faith. God is busy and active in our world and He will profoundly use those who are willing to take hold of His promises and walk them out in their everyday lives. It’s impossible to please God without faith. Get ready for a time to be challenged and motivated to take hold of all that’s been offered to you in God’s Word! Let Susie help you:

  • Understand your authority in Christ as a child of God
  • Become a fully-devoted follower of Christ
  • Enhance your courage and resolve to persevere through trials
  • Enjoy deeper peace before God delivers on His promise
  • Learn to lay hold of what God has promised you

The Fear of the Lord: A Devotional Experience

*This interactive session works great at retreats or prayer gatherings. The Bible promises protection, provision, insight, and wisdom for the one who fears the Lord. And yet, more and more we see Christians becoming far too casual in their approach to God. While He calls us to enjoy His presence and find comfort there, He is still God; still worthy of our reverence, our awe, and our respect. Blessed is the one who fears the Lord! In this session, Susie will walk address four significant ways we lose our sense of reverence before the Lord: Fatigue, Frustration, Fear of Man, (and our own) Fears. After each short teaching, you’ll have a time for journaling to music and quiet prayer. Enjoy a full (uninterrupted) hour in God’s presence to remember again, how great He is! During this devotional experience, Susie will help you to:

  • Untangle Your Fears and Frustrations and Find Life in God's Presence
  • Realize That God Hasn't Given Us a Spirit of Fear, but of Power, Love, and Sound Mind
  • Gain a fresh awareness of the majesty and the love of God

*A note to retreat planners: Please schedule worship to follow this session

Prayer that Changes Things

Do you find yourself talking at God rather than to Him? What happens when you pray – do circumstances change? Do you “hear” Him when He speaks to you? One of the greatest things about being a Christ-follower is having continual access to His presence. Every day, Jesus intercedes for us. Every day, the hosts of heaven cheer us on. God calls us to walk in His presence as we live here on earth (Psalm 139:5). For the Believer in Christ, prayer can be as natural as breathing. Join us for a wonderful time of learning how powerful prayer can be. Come with an expectation of finding God and communicating with Him in a deeper way. Join Susie on a journey to:

  • Cultivate a lifestyle of expectancy
  • Incorporate encouraging prayer throughout your day
  • Learn how to listen for God’s voice
  • Understand the wisdom and power of waiting on God

Balance that Works When Life Doesn’t

Are you tired and running in too many directions? Do you wish you had more physical energy and a more consistent walk with God? It takes just a few hours of week to bring stability and strength to your physical and spiritual health. The goal is not simply to get through the moment. We are called to last long and finish strong! Balance That Works When Life Doesn’t offers easy, applicable advice for keeping your physical and spiritual health a priority. When you are at your best, the world around you is blessed! Susie Larson will enable you to:

  • Learn basic principles for a healthy physical and spiritual lifestyle
  • Establish a lifestyle that promotes a closer walk with God
  • Thrive and adapt in life’s difficult seasons

Growing Grateful Kids: Teaching Them to Appreciate an Extraordinary God in Ordinary Places

With the currents of materialism and entitlement flowing so strong, how do we raise kids who are simply thankful? With simple language and biblical applications, Susie helps us to understand that although teaching perspective and gratitude to our children is critical, it’s not difficult. Throughout this message Susie reminds us that we cannot impart something that we do not possess. Walk with Susie as she helps you to:

  • Model thankfulness and impart gratitude to your children
  • Awaken to the ways God is moving in your children’s lives
  • Teach perspective and cultivate contentment
  • Encourage faith and pray humbly, yet boldly
  • Live abundantly and give grace

Alone in Marriage: Encouragement for the Times when it’s all up to You

Anyone who has been married for an extended period of time endures a one-sided season in marriage. Spouses get sick, depressed, or over worked; they go to school, start businesses, or serve in the military. Life happens, the weight shifts, and suddenly we find ourselves carrying more than we bargained for. In a day where divorce is rampant, how do we not only survive such seasons, but also thrive in them? Susie steps in as an encouraging friend and helps you to:

  • Navigate a one-sided season in marriage without bitterness
  • Sense God’s peace during an alone period in marriage
  • Refresh your mind with God’s Word
  • Experience freedom from attitudes that weigh you down
  • Cultivate an intimate walk with God in spite of a lonely season in marriage

Hardships and How We Respond

It has often been said, “It’s not what happens to us, it’s what happens in us.” We are not made for this place. We are on a heavenward journey. Every one of us will encounter bumps, bruises, and battle wounds along the way. Everything we encounter has the potential of making us better or bitter. We will either grow more cynical or we will pursue God. There is a way to walk through life and become more loving, more forgiving, and more Christ like. It’s possible to come through the fire without smelling like smoke! Susie will show you how to:

  • Learn how NOT to dawdle and get stuck in your wilderness season
  • Turn disappointments into divine appointments
  • Help you to stand strong in difficult seasons and embrace faith for a breakthrough

Mercy in the Wilderness: Susie’s Story

Susie tells the story of her family’s journey into the wilderness. Everyone will identify with some aspect of this journey. This story will make you laugh, cry, and inspire you to stay close to the heart of God. When we place our trust in a faithful God, He makes all things new. This message will help you to:

  • Develop bold faith during difficult times
  • Face a prolonged trial with peace and perspective
  • Walk faithfully until your breakthrough comes

Comfort and Joy: Pausing to Embrace the Sacredness of the Season

This message challenges women to cast off the notion that their holidays need to resemble the three minute commercials or polished magazine covers. The word “Selah” appears many times in the Bible – it is a call for us to pause…and take it in. True joy happens in our holiday season when we watch for and embrace the sacred moments; when we really take in the sounds of laughter, peace, and joyful moments. When we approach our holidays with this mindset, our faith and families become the focus, rather than the polished presentation. Jesus beautifully illustrated this very point by the way He came to us. Come and enjoy a message that will make you laugh, warm your heart, and encourage you this season. After hearing this message, you will:

  • Experience a time of refreshing during the hurried season
  • Engage a thankful heart by remembering your blessings
  • Activate the ‘pause’ in your life and enjoy sacred moments
  • Enjoy the love of Christ by acknowledging Him throughout the holidays

Session Examples for Retreats

These examples are to show retreat planners a few different ways to fit various messages together under a particular theme.

Drink Deep
Session One: Trusting God
(Mercy in the Wilderness message [My story]).
Session Two: Drinking Deep
(Staying by the Well message)
Session Three: Living Free
(Embracing Your Freedom message)
Session Four: Drawing Near
(Intimacy with God message)

Awaken My Heart
Session One: Awaken My Trust
( Mercy in the Wilderness message)
Session Two: Awaken My Faith
(Living the Promised Life message)
Session Three: Awaken My Courage
(Embracing Your Freedom message)
Session Four: Awaken My Heart
(Staying by the Well message)

Extraordinary Expectation
Session One: Courageously Real
(Staying by the Well message)
Session Two: Purposefully Devoted
(Intimacy with God message)
Session Three: Boldly Uncommon
(Uncommon Woman message)

*Messages can also be written to accommodate your event theme.