Susie Larson - Books - The Uncommon Woman



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The Uncommon Woman


Making an Ordinary Life Extraordinary

What does it mean to be un-common? The uncommon woman is willing to walk away from petty conversations because she has better things to do with her time. She is willing to forgive those who offend her because she cherishes her oneness with God. She stands strong against the lies of the enemy and yet she humbly bows before her Lord. She perseveres in the face of battle, she cares about the hurting, and she believes God's promises are true for her. Walk with Susie Larson as she helps you to:

  • Be liberated from the opinions of others.
  • Feel more equipped to handle conflicts with other women.
  • Understand your extreme value in Christ.
  • Become a godly woman who exhorts others to a higher purpose

Moody Publishers