Your Beautiful Purpose - DVD Companion
In six powerful 30-minute sessions that expand on her book Your Beautiful Purpose, Susie Larson explores more deeply how to lay hold of God’s desires for your life.
Each session focuses on a core truth for seeing God’s plans for you flourish:
- Embrace Your Purpose—Love your story
- Trust God’s Timing—See how even your struggles can be used to transform you
- Hear God’s Voice—Discern how God is preparing you for His divine purpose
- Believe God’s Word—Enjoy a greater awareness of God’s love and provision
- Walk by Faith—Understand which faith “season” you are in
- Take New Territory—Step forward in holy confidence and humble dependence
Together, Your Beautiful Purpose and this DVD make the perfect six-week study—whether
you meet in a large group at church or in a smaller, more intimate gathering at home.
Reader Comments (7)
I soon connected with what you shared this morning! The enemy's operation in my life has been exposed as a result. I am weeping before The Lord - He loves me and will defend and protect and vindicate me!
I have to get this book! It's exactly what I need. I am stuck between self-preservation & self-ambition! God has assigned me a huge task and it's these areas where I keep saying 'Lord, is it my turn to make a move or Yours?'
I was so moved by what you said this morning on Life Today. A couple of statements hit home and are so helpful, can't wait to get the book and dvds. Thank you so much. God bless you. You were right on at the right time!
Hello Susie, After I listened to you this morning on Life Today, I wept. The tale is long but the desire is the same... I am at a crossroads of minsitry and want to move when and how God chooses. This is God's perfect timing showing up once again to put all of the "nudges" in their proper places!!! Thank you for being His instrument!! I can not wait to get my copy of your book and the DVD series to share wth my Wed. night ladies Bible study!!! Blessings to you and to yours. See you in Heaven someday!! Wooo Hooooo
Perfect timing! Did not plan to watch Life Today, but there you were; used by God to teach me. Thank You.
I also caught you yesterday morning on Life Today. I looked on your website and you are going to be in Eau Claire Feb 22 which is only an hour from here! I will be there!
Started the book & came looking for the DVD companion!