August 4 - 9, 2014

Monday, August 4 – Ron Rhodes (Recurring) – Bible Answers with Ron Rhodes – What does election mean? How can we understand Jesus’ words about the kingdom of heaven? What does the Bible say about abortion? On the next Live the Promise Bible scholar Ron Rhodes joins Susie for both hours to tackle your questions about faith, the Trinity, and the end times.
Tuesday, August 5 – Jen Hatmaker/Jennifer Kennedy Dean – Interrupted/Praying in Adversity – When Jesus calls us, He invites us to a challenging but fruitful journey. Listen as Susie talks with author and Bible teacher Jen Hatmaker about living for Christ in uncomfortable places. Then we hear from prayer warrior Jennifer Kennedy Dean about how to pray in times of adversity.
Wednesday, August 6 – Craig von Buseck/Andy Crouch (Recorded) – Grace and Truth/Power with Honor – Join us for the next edition of Grace and Truth with veteran reporter Craig von Buseck. Susie and Craig explore what it means to engage culture with humble confidence. Then Andy Crouch from Christianity Today joins us to talk about how to honor God and others in a position of power.
Thursday, August 7 – Stasi Eldredge/Mimi Wilson (Recorded) – Becoming Myself/The Power of a Mentor – Who has God created you to be? Are you living that reality? Listen as Susie welcomes Stasi Eldredge back to the show to talk about the things that hold us back from the abundant life in Christ. Then we hear Susie’s conversation with Mimi Wilson about the power of having a mentor.
Friday, August 8 – Scott Todd/Shaunti Feldhahn (Recorded) – Hope Rising/Tips for Happy Couples – God calls us to bring His hope into every area of life, including social justice. On this edition of Live the Promise Susie talks with Scott Todd of Compassion International about seeing and ending poverty in our lifetime. Then Shaunti Feldhahn offers tips for maintaining a successful marriage.
Saturday, August 9 – Dr. Juli Slattery – Pulling Back the Shades – God wired us as sexual beings for a purpose. How can we redeem the culture’s view of sex and embrace purity? On the weekend edition of Live the Promise, Susie talks with Dr. Juli Slattery. They talk about the damaging effects of books like Fifty Shades of Grey and look at God’s original design for sex within marriage.