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Listen to Live the Promise LIVE every weekday from 3-4CST pm and every Saturday from 1-2CST pm 


This Week On Live the Promise...


August 4 - 9, 2014

Monday, August 4 – Ron Rhodes (Recurring) – Bible Answers with Ron Rhodes – What does election mean? How can we understand Jesus’ words about the kingdom of heaven? What does the Bible say about abortion? On the next Live the Promise Bible scholar Ron Rhodes joins Susie for both hours to tackle your questions about faith, the Trinity, and the end times.

Tuesday, August 5 – Jen Hatmaker/Jennifer Kennedy Dean – Interrupted/Praying in Adversity When Jesus calls us, He invites us to a challenging but fruitful journey. Listen as Susie talks with author and Bible teacher Jen Hatmaker about living for Christ in uncomfortable places. Then we hear from prayer warrior Jennifer Kennedy Dean about how to pray in times of adversity.

Wednesday, August 6 – Craig von Buseck/Andy Crouch (Recorded) – Grace and Truth/Power with Honor Join us for the next edition of Grace and Truth with veteran reporter Craig von Buseck. Susie and Craig explore what it means to engage culture with humble confidence. Then Andy Crouch from Christianity Today joins us to talk about how to honor God and others in a position of power.

Thursday, August 7 – Stasi Eldredge/Mimi Wilson (Recorded) – Becoming Myself/The Power of a Mentor – Who has God created you to be? Are you living that reality? Listen as Susie welcomes Stasi Eldredge back to the show to talk about the things that hold us back from the abundant life in Christ. Then we hear Susie’s conversation with Mimi Wilson about the power of having a mentor.

Friday, August 8 – Scott Todd/Shaunti Feldhahn (Recorded) – Hope Rising/Tips for Happy Couples – God calls us to bring His hope into every area of life, including social justice. On this edition of Live the Promise Susie talks with Scott Todd of Compassion International about seeing and ending poverty in our lifetime. Then Shaunti Feldhahn offers tips for maintaining a successful marriage.

Saturday, August 9 – Dr. Juli Slattery – Pulling Back the Shades God wired us as sexual beings for a purpose. How can we redeem the culture’s view of sex and embrace purity? On the weekend edition of Live the Promise, Susie talks with Dr. Juli Slattery. They talk about the damaging effects of books like Fifty Shades of Grey and look at God’s original design for sex within marriage.


July 28 - August 2, 2014

Monday, July 28 – Liz Curtis Higgs (Recurring)/Susie Larson – Redemption Stories/The Uncommon Life – What past decision or event has God redeemed in your life? On this edition of Live the Promise Liz Curtis Higgs returns to the program to talk about how God turns negative things in our lives for good. Then we’ll take your calls as Susie unpacks what makes an uncommon Christian. 

Tuesday, July 29 – Holley Gerth/Bill and Pam Farrel – You’re Going to Be Okay/Gender Differences When we encounter disappointment, God’s promises are still true. Listen as Susie welcomes author and life coach Holley Gerth back to the program to talk about how to trust God’s promises in hard times. Then we hear from Bill and Pam Farrel about appreciating our partner’s strengths and weaknesses.

Wednesday, July 30 – Leslie Vernick/Dr. Greg Smalley – Emotional Health/Relationships We all encounter conflict in our relationships, but how can we know when that conflict becomes destructive? Listen as Susie talks with counselor Leslie Vernick about how to recognize and respond to unhealthy dynamics. We’ll also hear from Susie’s good friend Dr. Greg Smalley, who will field your questions on building strong relationships.

Thursday, July 31 – Theme Show/Scott and Bethany Palmer – Muslim Witness/Finding Your Money Personality – We’re seeing a lot of turmoil in the Middle East right now, but many are being moved into the Church. On this edition of Live the Promise we hear powerful stories from Muslim-background believers who now follow Jesus as the Messiah. Then we’ll unpack the five money personalities with The Money Couple, Scott and Bethany Palmer!

Friday, August 1 – Bo Stern/Arlene Pellicane (Recorded) – Ruthless God/Choosing Happiness in Marriage – Do you know the God Who comes alongside you and fights for you? Listen to Susie’s powerful discussion with Bo Stern. Her husband has been battling ALS for three years, and she shares what they’ve learned about the God who is ruthless on our behalf. Then Arlene Pellicane shares how to maintain a positive attitude in your life and marriage.

Saturday, August 2 – Dr. Warren Wiersbe – Wisdom from Scripture Think of the phrase, “I am with you always.” God can say SO MUCH to us in just five words. On the weekend edition of Live the Promise you’ll hear Susie’s discussion with Dr. Warren Wiersbe. We look at powerful, five-word statements from the Bible that bring us hope, joy, and reflection on God’s promises.




July 21 - 26, 2014

Monday, July 21 – Wayne Pederson (IN STUDIO)/Tammy Daughtry – The Process of Grief/Co-Parenting – We don’t grieve as those without hope…On this edition of Live the Promise Susie welcomes ministry leader Wayne Pederson to the studio. We explore the process of grief and how God brings comfort when a loved one dies. Then we talk with author Tammy Daughtry about the challenges of divorce and co-parenting your children in a healthy way.

Tuesday, July 22 – Terri Blackstock/Lisa Harper – Novel Talk/Managing Busyness How can we learn to tell the difference between truth and distortion? Listen as Susie has a conversation with bestselling author Terri Blackstock about the themes of her new novel, Distortion. Then we hear from Women of Faith speaker Lisa Harper about how to live and work in God’s strength instead of our own.

Wednesday, July 23 – Caryn Rivadeneira/Les and Leslie Parrott – Financial Strain/Marital Happiness When financial crisis comes, we learn that God is our Rock. Listen as Susie talks with Caryn Rivadeneira about how to lean on God for our daily bread in difficult seasons. We also hear from marriage experts Les and Leslie Parrott about learning to laugh through conflict.

Thursday, July 24 – Pat and Andrew Palau/Gary Chapman – The Prodigal Journey/Reviving a Marriage – Many of us experience the heartbreak of a loved one walking away from God. We get a fresh perspective on coming home from former prodigal Andrew Palau and his mother Pat as they talk about how God uses a praying parent. Then we take your calls as we talk with Dr. Gary Chapman about breathing new life into a dying marriage!

Friday, July 25 – Jeff Manion/Richard Swenson (Recorded) – Contentment in All Things – We live in a busy world where more equals better. How can we learn the art of true contentment in Christ? On this edition of Live the Promise Pastor Jeff Manion joins us to talk about overcoming the hunger for more. Then Susie talks with Dr. Richard Swenson about ways we can step back from a hectic life and step into a place of rest.

Saturday, July 26 – Elyse Fitzpatrick – Found in Him The Incarnation is an amazing truth of the Christian faith. God came down and lived among us! On the weekend edition of Live the Promise we hear Susie’s discussion with author and speaker Elyse Fitzpatrick. We talk about what it means that God became Man, and what it means that we can be found in Him.



July 7 - 12, 2014

Monday, July 7 – Mark Alan (IN STUDIO) – The Artist’s Corner – Is God your Rock? When we choose to worship Him in every circumstance, our faith and joy become stronger. On this edition of Live the Promise musician Mark Alan joins Susie in studio. They talk about joy and praise, and Mark leads us in an hour of worship. Join us for the Artist’s Corner.

Tuesday, July 8 – Francine Rivers – Novel Talk We can build relationships to last or we can tear them down. Listen to Susie’s conversation with New York Times best-selling author Francine Rivers. We unpack the themes of her new novel, Bridge to Haven, and look at what it means for Jesus to be the ultimate Bridge in our lives.

Wednesday, July 9 – Anne Graham Lotz – Heaven, My Father’s House Jesus went to prepare a place for us – but what is that place going to be like? Listen as Susie welcomes evangelist Anne Graham Lotz back to the program. We explore what the Bible says about heaven, life after death, and Jesus’ promise to return for His people.

Thursday, July 10 – Wendy Blight – Living So That – Author Wendy Blight says we can dive deep into the Word of God, but we also need to live it out. She joins Susie to share about her new book, Living So That. We talk about the challenges of following Christ in a hostile culture, and what it means to daily live out the implications of our faith.

Friday, July 11 – Kay Warren (Recorded) – Joy in the Dark – God doesn’t promise us a life without pain, but He does promise to give joy in the midst of it. On the Friday edition of Live the Promise Susie talks again with Kay Warren. She shares her own faith journey and what she’s learned about choosing joy and trusting God in difficult circumstances.

Saturday, July 12 –Sheila Walsh – The Storm Inside Do you let your emotions control you? Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by fear or pride that we lose sight of the truth that God is our Rock. On the weekend edition of Live the Promise we hear Susie’s conversation with author and Women of Faith speaker Sheila Walsh about her book, The Storm Inside. She helps us recover the truth that God’s hand is on us and we are His children, regardless of our circumstances.


June 9 - 14, 2014

Monday, June 9 – Marilynn Chadwick – Hearing God – What does it mean to hear the voice of God? How can we maintain a close walk with Him in every season? Author Marilynn Chadwick joins Susie to share principles from her book, Sometimes He Whispers, Sometimes He Roars. We spend time exploring what it means to discern God’s voice and follow His leading in our lives.

Tuesday, June 10 – Randy Singer – Novel Talk What does it mean to act on behalf of another? Listen as Susie talks with novelist and veteran attorney Randy Singer. We talk about his newest novel, The Advocate, and unpack its themes of justice, conscience, submission to authority, and learning to forgive yourself for past mistakes.

Wednesday, June 11 – Liz Curtis Higgs Bad Girls of the Bible There are many people in the kingdom of God, and everyone has a past. God can redeem the darkest decisions in the life of a saint, and Susie talks with author and speaker Liz Curtis Higgs about what that looks like. We look at how God chose women with shady reputations and used them to advance His purposes.

Thursday, June 12 – Angie Smith (Recorded) – Mended – No one is too broken for God to use. Listen as Susie talks with author and Women of Faith speaker Angie Smith, wife of Selah’s Todd Smith. We look at the ways God uses broken, imperfect vessels to show His love and glory to the world.

Friday, June 13 – Chip Ingram (Recorded) – True Spirituality – What does it mean to be truly spiritual? On this edition of Live the Promise Susie talks again with pastor and Faith Radio programmer Chip Ingram of Living on the Edge. We look at what it means to live a ‘Romans 12’ life, and why following Christ is more than a set of rules or rituals.

Saturday, June 14 – Celeste Li – Triumph Over Suffering refines us not only through trials but also through our reaction to those trials. On the weekend edition of Live the Promise we hear Susie’s conversation with Dr. Celeste Li. She has walked alongside countless patients living with HIV/AIDS and we explore the hard lessons she learned and the call to suffer with others.