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Listen to Live the Promise LIVE every weekday from 3-4CST pm and every Saturday from 1-2CST pm 


This Week On Live the Promise...


Schedule - June 4-9, 2012 

Monday, June 4 – Valorie Burton – Successful Women Think Differently – Popular author and professional certified coach Valorie Burton knows that successful women think differently. They make decisions differently. They set goals and bounce back from failure differently. Today Susie and Valorie discuss having a healthy Christ-focused mindset, as well as having tools, knowledge, and understanding to succeed. Valorie’s new book is Successful Women Think Differently.

Tuesday, June 5 – Mike Glenn – The Gospel of Yes – Are you convinced that God limits you, or liberates you? Is He more interested in correcting you or connecting with you? And when you hit a rough spot and start looking for help, do you believe God is against you or on your side? Today Susie talks with pastor and author Mike Glenn about his new book, The Gospel of Yes. They explore God's most powerful word, YES, which opens our eyes to everything He does. God said "yes" to creating a world for us to live in and "yes" to inviting us into a relationship with Him. No matter what we face in life, the best way to live is captured in one word: yes. Listen in!

Wednesday, June 6 – John Morris (In Studio) – Faith in the Military – What is it like to be a Christian soldier? Today Susie welcomes army chaplain John Morris into the studio to talk about life as a soldier, how to pray for our military, and the importance of holding fast to faith in the midst of a world at war.

Thursday, June 7 – Juli Slattery/Linda Dillow – Authentic Intimacy – God desires true relationship with us, and He calls us to have true relationships with one another. Today Susie welcomes back author and psychologist Dr. Juli Slattery of Focus on the Family, as well as author and speaker Linda Dillow. We talk about how to restore true intimacy to marriages that are brand new, stuck in a rut, or on the verge of ending.

Friday, June 8 – Matt Maher (In Studio) – Rise Up – Today Susie talks with recording artist Matt Maher about his faith, his love of music, and how he makes time for God amid a busy life and tour schedule. We’ll also talk about his upcoming performance at the Joyful Noise Family Fest!

Saturday, June 9 – Mike Guzzardo – All In Today Susie talks with author and youth speaker Mike Guzzardo about the all-in Christian life. What does it mean to surrender to Christ? How can something that sounds so defeating give us the greatest victory of our lives? Listen in!




Schedule - May 28-June 2, 2012 

Monday, May 28 – Jerry White (Recorded) – The Joseph Road – The biblical story of Joseph’s life is a winding tale of hard choices, unexpected loss, and God’s loving protection. Out of the ashes of disaster, God enabled Joseph to grow in character and maturity as he rescued Egypt, forgave those who had hurt him, and saved a deeply flawed family that grew into a great nation. Today Susie and author Jerry White offer us a powerful lesson: Our true destiny is decided not by the depth of our troubles but by pursuing the will of God in the midst of them. Jerry’s book is The Joseph Road.

Tuesday, May 29 – Rebecca St. James – Love and Purity – Today Susie is joined by author, recording artist and advocate for purity Rebecca St. James. They’ll explore the ministry of music, the importance of abstinence, and Rebecca’s new book on men titled What Is He Thinking?

Wednesday, May 30 – Greg Smalley – Communication in Marriage – Sometimes marriage feels like the tower of Babel. Husbands and wives miss each other, things get lost in translation, and general chaos ensues. How can we re-establish the lines of communication after they’ve been broken? Today Susie welcomes back Greg Smalley of Focus on the Family to talk marriage, communication, and building intimacy.

Thursday, May 31 – Nina Barnes (In Studio) – Hope and Healing – God can bring us out of the darkest times into His marvelous light. Today Susie is joined by friend Nina Barnes to share her story of hope, healing, and deep faith in God. We’ll look at God’s power in suffering, as well as the peace He gives us.

Friday, June 1 – Christi Paul – Healing From Abuse – Like millions of other women, HLN anchor Christi Paul blamed herself for the intense emotional abuse heaped on her by her first husband, whose violent, drunken, profanity-laced tirades left her feeling as though she had no value, no self-worth, and nowhere to turn for help. Then one day the verse "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" came to Christi’s mind, and she realized that she did in fact have someplace to turn after all. Holding fast to her Christian faith, Christi began the arduous process of rebuilding her self-esteem and regaining control of her life. Today she joins Susie to share her story from her new book, Love Isn’t Supposed To Hurt.

Saturday, June 2 – Greg Speck – Helping Teens Build Healthy Relationships Teenagers don’t always have the proper tools for building healthy friendships. How can we help this generation become more discerning regarding trust in relationships? Today youth speaker and Weekend to Remember marriage speaker Greg Speck joins Susie to unpack the life of the teen, and we’ll discuss ways to point him or her back to Christ.




Schedule - May 21-26, 2012


Monday, May 21 – Jennie Allen – Anything – What if you told God you would do anything . . . and he took you up on it? Today Susie is joined by author and Bible teacher Jennie Allen to talk about her new book, Anything: The Prayer That Unlocked My God and My Soul. They explore the questions we face in handing our lives over to a living, unpredictable, invisible God. We talk about the enemies of surrender, including unbelief, entitlement, control, and fear. With a fresh voice and bold vulnerability, Jennie helps shatter our small view of God as she shares her own story of wrestling to surrender.

Tuesday, May 22 – Renee Swope – A Confident Heart – Often the biggest obstacle to living out our faith is our own doubt--about our own worth, our abilities, our relationship with God, and the situations in our lives. Today Susie and fellow author and speaker Renee Swope talking about living in the freedom Christ has provided. Renee’s book is A Confident Heart. 

Wednesday, May 23 – Chonda Pierce – Live and Laugh in Faith – ‘Laughter is the best medicine,’ we’re told. Today Susie talks with comedienne Chonda Pierce about balancing deep devotion to God with the importance of laughter! We’ll also talk about her new DVD, Kind of a Big Deal.

Thursday, May 24 – Bill Arnold and George (In Studio) – Real Recovery – God can heal you from your addictions! Today Susie is joined in studio by Bill Arnold and George Fraser to talk about their new Faith Radio show, Real Recovery. We’ll hear stories of redemption and restoration from men and women who have struggled with drug and alcohol abuse and found peace and healing through Christ.

Friday, May 25 – Emily Freeman (Recorded) – Grace for the Good Girl – Many of us believe that we are saved by grace–but for too many, that’s the last time grace defines our life. Instead of clinging to grace, we strive for good and believe that the Christian life means hard work and a sweet disposition. As good girls, we focus on the things we can handle, our disciplined lives, and our unshakable good moods. When we fail to measure up to our own impossible standards, we hide behind our good girl masks, determined to keep our weakness a secret. Today Susie and author Emily Freeman invite women to let go of the try-hard life and realize that in Christ we are free to receive from him, rather than constantly try to achieve for him. Emily’s book is Grace For the Good Girl.

Saturday, May 26 – Mark and Grace Driscoll – Real Marriage Many singles view marriage as their “happily ever after” and a functional savior. But in reality, the union of two sinners is meant to sanctify them, not save them. How can two people prepare for, and enjoy, the blessings and challenges of marriage? Today Susie talks with Pastor Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church and his wife Grace, who together have written the new book Real Marriage. We explore issues of trust, biblical manhood and womanhood, forgiveness, and loving your spouse in light of the cross.












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