Obstacles to Joy...

Happy Tuesday, Friends!
Okay, so I mentioned my goal to blog most days if not every day. So far, not doable. We’ve been on the road a lot in October. We’re looking forward to being off the road from November through January. I’m hoping to be able to post more often during those months.
I have two more Blessings books to give away this week for a couple of you who post on my blog!
Here’s today blessing from Facebook:
Start a Day Blessing: May you begin to see your disappointments as divine appointments. May your spirit-eyes open up to God's invitation to something better, something deeper, something profoundly fitted for you. May you lift your eyes and see how your whole story fits in the bigger story God is writing for His Namesake. When you're tempted to look down in angst, may you instead look up and pray, not only for yourself, but for the many who struggle in ways similar to you, but who don't know how to pray like you do! God intends to solve some of the world's problems through you. Trust Him and let Him use you in ways that are beyond you! Have a great day.
When we walk through seasons of loss and disappointment, it’s far too easy to get stuck in the muck there. When we bump up against the obstacles that threaten our joy, our tendency is to back off and look down when God invites us to press forward and look up.
Here are a three common obstacles to joy – obstacles that we can move past to find our footing and our perspective again:
The Fear of Man: Proverbs 29:25 says ~ The fear of man is a snare, but the fear of the Lord is safety (and freedom).
When disappointment or angst is rooted in what people think about you (or what you imagine they’re thinking about you), the tendency is to get small and cower. But the invitation here is to send your roots down deeper into God’s marvelous love and to find your depth, your strength, and your identity more firmly rooted in Him.
Instead of becoming negatively self aware, look up, reach up, and find your Father cheering you on, loving you every step of the way, and securing your life story for His Namesake. He’s all you need. His opinion matters most and HE loves you best!
The Sin of Comparison: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says ~ Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
Though it’s easy to fall into the sin of comparison we must remember that it’s a ‘gateway’ sin that leads to jealousy and ingratitude, both of which, open us up to the enemy’s influence in harmful ways.
If you’re in a waiting or a ‘not yet’ season, refuse the temptation to gaze at those who have what you want. Instead, look up to the One who has been so very good to you, knowing He’ll be good again. He loves you. He’s committed to you, and there’s something He has for you in this place. Start thanking Him now. Today. And see if you won’t find your spiritual eyes opened afresh to the ways God is moving in your midst. When it’s best for you, He’ll bring the breakthrough.
Loss of Perspective: Romans 8:25, 28 says this ~ But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently… And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.
Far too often we keep ourselves in the small story when God has a far greater story on His heart for us. We tend to focus on temporary setbacks and disappointments and we forget that our Sovereign Lord knows every detail and works every speck of our story for a grander purpose.
Step back today and consider how your temporary loss or setback may serve a greater purpose for a greater glory. What might God be up to in and through you? Instead of handing your heart over to despair or disappointment, determine to step back and remember God today. He loves you. He’s for you. And He’s up to something good.
It takes some spiritual tenacity to press past your obstacles and to find faith amidst your circumstances. But it’s worth it. This is the stuff of spiritual maturity and empowering grace.
Keep walking. Keep believing. Look up and find your strength in Him.
Blessings on your day today!