Susie Larson - Blog - Walk in His Presence...



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Walk in His Presence...

Happy Wednesday, Friends!

So, I've taken up blogging again. :) Each day I'll write a few additional thoughts to add to the blessing I post on Facebook that day. Today I'll give away 2 copies of my new book, 'Blessings for the Evening' to someone who posts on my blog.

Here's today's blessing:

Start a Day Blessing: May the Kingdom, Power, and Presence of the Living God seem nearer to you now than ever before. May your understanding of what you possess in Him grow exponentially today. May you see glimpses of glory everywhere you turn so you're reminded that God is very much at work behind the scenes, answering your prayers, opening doors, and moving mountains. Jesus lives to pray for you and when He prays heaven moves. Walk full of faith today simply because heaven sings a song over you. God is at work on your behalf, and any day now, you will see Him breakthrough. Bless you, friend!

One of my life verses is Psalm 116:9 ~ And so I walk in His presence as I live here on earth.

I love the idea of walking in constant and continual awareness of the Living God in my midst. He is for us, with us, and making a way for us in ways that we cannot fathom or comprehend. 

Maybe you've read the famous quote by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, but it bears repeating here:

Earth is crammed with heaven. And every common bush afire with God; but only he who sees takes off his shoes. The rest just sit around and pick blackberries.

Jesus is continually speaking to a waiting and watching world. The problem is, so few of us are waiting or watching. But what if we had the presence of mind to acknowledge and honor Him in our midst? What if we had the wisdom to take off our shoes and acknowledge those sacred moments that take place amidst our ordinary days? I'll tell you what would happen: we'd be changed; transformed; and, we'd gain a deeper understanding of the Kingdom people we were always intended to be.

Scripture tells us that it's in His presence, the fullness of joy is found. We find our deepest joy in Him and with Him. So of course the enemy wants us racing through life, totally missing the treasured access we've been offered through Christ Jesus.

May we pause today and remember afresh that we are the object of God's affection. He loves us deeply, profoundly, and truly. And no one can gossip enough to Him about us to make Him change His mind about us. 

Jesus Himself--right at this moment--is praying for you, pulling for you, and interceding for you in ways you wouldn't even know how to pray for yourself. Isn't that just an amazing thought? 

Walk in His presence today. Delight in Him. In due time, He will satisfiy the deepest desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4).

Blessings on your day today!

Reader Comments (37)

I look so forward to your posts each day. They are a great reminder of just how much we have to be thankful for and how awesome Jesus is. Sometimes we have to be reminded to let it go and turn it over. Thanks

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJ. Aucoin

I happened upon your blessings one day and began to look for them everyday. I love to start and end my day with them. Mornings it helps me put things in perspective and at night it helps me reflect on my day and was there something I did or should have done. Thank you. Yes, it's wonderful to know that Jesus is there to help us each day and when we are troubled, thankful or just need to talk.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKatrina

Thank you, Susie! What a wonderful reminder!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

I am so grateful for these daily blessings, as God uses them to help me focus on His truth and promises. Thank you, Susie. I was at the retreat at Lake Geneva a few weeks ago, and God used your messages in a DEEP way in my life. Prayers for continued blessings and protection on you and your ministry.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterAnna

What an amazing comfort to know that my Savior is praying for me! I have been taught this last year how to wait patiently on the Lord. How to give every thought and every moment to him. You see, my husband collapsed at home on 10/3/12 from a massive pulmonary embolism. He was taken by ambulance to one hospital only to discover the massive clot. He was then transferred to another hospital for emergency open heart surgery. Prior to the surgery, the team of physicians made it very clear that he was not expected to survive the surgery. As we gathered our family together, God gathered His family around us. Our pastors, small group members, congregational care team...they all sat in prayer with us in that waiting room until we heard the news that he indeed HAD survived the surgery. He was still only given about a 10% chance of survival. I had the comfort of His Grace that I knew whether he came home with me one day or went home to paradise it was going to be ok. And, thru God's strength and his healing commands, my husband not only survived that surgery but several emergency procedures following. Fifty-nine days in ICU and months in rehabilitation but now has just returned back to work. We have experienced the Amazing Grace that we have sung about for many years and cannot even begin to tell Him how thankful we are for His guarding and guiding thru our time of waiting. Thank you Susie for your daily prayers of strength and encouragement as well. On the days when I was sitting all alone watching my husband sleep away his recovery, your prayers led me to a place of peace and quieted my soul. What a mighty God we serve!!!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJoanne H

Dear Susie,
I was never more aware of His presence than I was just afew short days ago on my journey to Oregon to visit a cousin, On the way home, via Amtrack, the Columbia River Gorge was just nothing short of breath taking!! The leaves were just about at peak color, the water was still and looked like glass. There were several barges floating along and the islands with trees were just ablaze in color. I had my own blessed communion there thinking how this scene was a virtual banquet of color and beauty. I thought again of how the entire creation reflects His glory. All the trees grow upward and point to thier creator. The jagged mountians in thier majestic stance point the way to Heaven and draw our eyes ever upward. It was a precious time of sweet communion with Him!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBetty Marschner

Thank you for your encouragement to walk in his presence
I am in such desperate need to hear him & feel his touch today, as are so many others.
Satan has been extremely busy working overtime to kill steal & destroy mariages families & even this great nation but our God is mighty to save and a very PRESENT help in trouble. Thanks for your reminders today that he is with us. God Bless

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPaula

I am praying for this in my life. Thank you!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDeborah

I thoroughly enjoy your Facebook morning and evening blessings and am truly grateful for this blog entry. I look forward to more from you!
I received your "Growing Grateful Kids" book after calling in to a radio show last year and speaking with you! That book is applicable to more than just kids. It speaks to me as an adult. I appreciate your calling and how you're glorifying God through your gift.
This blog speaks to me in a profound way. Yesterday was a blur of busy-ness. I felt frazzled and snippy by dinner time. I am naturally a grateful person and am blessed to call myself a Grateful Chic. Your blog today reminds me that my frustration of yesterday is gone. Today is a fresh new day and Jesus is here right now and always. All I need to do is reach out and give Him that love right back. Every moment.
I thank God for the gift of you and you sharing your gift of the Holy Spirit with us.
Thank you.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterClaire S.

Your posts are always uplifting and inspiring. So glad that I have you as a facebook friend.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPatty McIntyre

"An amazing thought"...Yes!! It is!! Everything about Him is amazing!! Thank you for sharing today. Thank you for letting Him use you for His Kingdom work here on earth! God bless you, my friend!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterTraci McNally

Also want to add, I love the line about gossiping to God!. Boy is that powerful, because we all do that about someone and it doesn't change His mind about us! PTL for that.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterPatty McIntyre

What an encouragement everyday! I search for your blessings and start my prayer time personalizing and praying for others with your timely reminders of God's promises!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterSue

Every morning I wake up and am in need of prayer, Then I pray and talk God in Jesus name, a reminder that today is a gift from God and he has my back, So I can continue through the day knowing that his will will be done and there is no need to stress, complain or worry, And believe me, I have plenty to worry about, I work as though I am working for him. What will be, will be. I am thankful for what I have, and if I were to lose it. I will be thankful for what I had.. God Bless.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterGreg Erickson

Someone has said: "Isn't God good to place roses among the thorns?" I picked my last yellow rose of the season and got a prick in the process, but I am going to enjoy every petal! I consider your photos and prayers each day like a daily rose. Thanks so much and may God continue to enable you.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJeannine Vogel

He sends nothing but Angels. Love to begin and end my days with your prayer blessings, I look forward to them. I recently read Kristen's article, "He Told Me to Wait . . . " It was as if she wrote my heart and the journey I have been on. To receive care from a personal God and see it happening with eyes wide open is one of the highest blessings. Thanks for sharing your gifts!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDoreen

Thank you Susie for your daily blessings on Facebook, they are a constant reminder that God is always at work, and always good, all the time!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrenda

"Earth is crammed with heaven" How can anyone deny the creator with so much of HIM all around us declaring HIS goodness and glory.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDianne

I really needed this reminder today that God Is Working on my behalf.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMarcia

Jesus praying for me...I've been resting on that one this year. When I am stuck and without words I look up and say "You got this!"

Thank you for your blessing posts. I was re-sharing them before there was a share button!
Love you!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBrenda

I look forward to your Start of Day and End of Day blessings each day. Actually I read them on Facebook reposted by a friend of mine. Our family has gone through a number of struggles and life changes recently and what helps us get through our day is to know that God is on our side and as long as we keep focused on Him, He will lead us and guide us through. When I receive the encouraging words you write about our loving Father, I am refreshed and renewed. Thank you!
Kim T.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKim T.

Susie you are amazing thank you for your ministry of inspiration and encouragement
I share these blessing with my small group and friends that might need a lift for the day
Each day seems to just work in my heart and opens my eyes I love tove the fact you are expounding on the daily blessings All your blessings have touched some many thanks again God Bless you

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBonnie Michel

How much victory would we have in our world if we truly practiced living in HIS presence? I know that it would change our culture and nation and even world. Oh how my heart yearns to see the Church march in victory! Come Lord Come!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJulie

Hello! I'm a first time reader. A friend shared your link on my FB page. Blessing to you!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDenise G.

Enjoy your daily blessings & so happy you're blogging again. God is at work in my life.
I went into work today on what should have been a day off and was so blessed by the women i work with! I will continue to look for His purposes in my life.

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterDenise Wetterlind

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