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Entries in A Special Note... (2)


And The Winner Is...


Hi Friends!

Susie Larson here...

The winner of the gift basket filled with goodies is...(drum roll, please)...

EEEEMommy Blogger

Congratulations, Friend!

And to the rest of you, sign up for my Mailing List and receive a quarterly Ezine full of health and balance tips, great book recommendations, and great giveaways. The next issue comes out January fifteenth.

Also, to my regular visitors, just a reminder: For the next several weeks I will have several of my author friends guest posting for me (some of them bestselling authors, amazing women all of them).

Please stop by, read their posts, and bless them with a note.

Love you all!

Peace to you this season~


Like Cool Free Gifts???


Hi Friends!

My friend (and mentor from afar), Lysa TerKeurst (founder and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries) has the greatest website ever!

Right now she is doing a great promotion for the holidays. If you visit her website and post on her blog, your name will go into a drawing for a wonderful and FREE gift!

Today she is a giving a gift package away from YOURS TRULY.

If you want a chance to win a package that includes a vintage-looking watch, a Choxie chocolate bar, mint foot lotion, one of my CD messages, and a couple of my books, get to her website!

Here's the link:

Cool Christmas Giveaway...

Have a blessed and wonderful day!

Peace, friend.

Susie Larson