Susie Larson - Blog - Walk Joyfully Today!



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Walk Joyfully Today!



Hey Friends!

I've decided to try something new. If you follow my blog at all, you know that I stopped blogging some time ago (smile.sigh). With two live radio shows a day, I just couldn't keep up with a lengthy weekly devotional blog. Sooo, I've decided to try something new that may be more doable for me and hopefully nourishing for you!

About five days a week I post a morning and evening blessing on my Facebook page. Those blessings are viewed by about twenty thousand people each day. In fact, those blessings resulted in the first of hopefully several beautiful, hardcover blessings book. The first of which released just a couple of weeks ago. Check out: Blessings for the Evening: Finding Peace in God's Presence.

So here's my idea. Each time I post a blessing on Facebook, I'll also post it here, along with a few extra thoughts that tie into that day's blessing. I would love to read your thoughts and insights as well.

Here's today's blessing:


May you suddenly grow in your capacity to understand God's love. May the reality of His feelings toward you put your heart at ease and fill your soul with gladness. May the rush and worry culture have no impact on you. May The Lord Himself set your pace and establish you in your purpose. His yoke is precious, beautiful, divine, and doable. Walk joyfully today! 

Something supernatural happens in our lives when we begin to understand who we are in Christ and what we posses in Him. Read this powerful passage from Ephesians 1:15-19 ~ I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you wisdom to see clearly and really understand who Christ is and all that He has done for you. I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can see something of hte future He has called you to share. I want you to realize that God has been made rich because we who are Christ's have been given to Him! I pray that you will be begin to understand how incredibly great His power is to help those who believe Him...

So how do we grow in our capacity to understand His love and His divine imprint on our lives? We start by simply taking Him at His word. Believing what He says about us is true, even when it doesn't feel true. We wrap our arms around His love and let it sink deep into our souls, where most lies go to hide. We lift our chin and refuse to look at our circumstances apart from Him. You and I are blessed beyond comprehension and we posses an increased understanding of who we are and what we possess by knowing Jesus deeply, following Him closely, and trusting Him consistently.

Blessings on you this day, my friend! 


Reader Comments (5)

Thank you Susie!
Your insight and truth-telling always blesses me!

October 14, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterFaith

Well said Susie! I have been actively working on clinging to those wonderful promises that He has given us. I believe that so many of us struggle daily with stepping up to the next level because we do not know what we posses in Christ. We listen to the lie and let that become who we are. We don't believe our lives matter or can get better because we are hanging onto the lies instead of truth. We need to cling to what is true, what He promises us. Then, and only then, will we start to see His hand at work and be used for His kingdom purposes. We need to get UNSTUCK. Holding onto those truths and letting them absorb into our being is the key to living the abundant life that He has promised, no matter what our circumstances are.

October 14, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterKate Martin

Your writing always points to Him, His presence, thank you!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMadeleine

I love your posts Susie!!...I have been waiting for your new book to come out so I can share it with are always a blessing to me!!

October 16, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterMarie

Dear Susie,

I have been following your Facebook posts for quite a while. They have been and are a HUGE blessing and thought director in my life. Thank You! I am excited for the additional thoughts on your blog. I recently was blessed, encouraged and convicted when I heard you speak at the 'Redeemed' BTG Conference. I am praying that God will continue to give you words of wisdom to share. Praying, also, for your health issues. Long-term chronic pain is not fun...I've been doing it for 20 years. I cling to these words of Paul in 2nd Corinthians: 9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. Love and blessings.

October 17, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterBarb

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