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Entries in A Quick Note... (4)


One More Week...

Hi Friends,

Susie Larson here...

I missed you last week! I was at my writers conference and had some difficulty with my internet connection.

Today I am in recovery mode. I just finished a banner season in ministry, topped of last night with our 2nd annual benefit dinner for International Justice Mission (see 

We had a super-successful night and we are thrilled...and exhausted.

My well is dry and I need a day to be re-filled.

I hope you'll come back next week and pay me a visit. I'm reading a book on the Sabbath and have some interesting things to share on the idea of rest.

See you then!




Merry Christmas!


Hi Sweet Friends!

Susie Larson here...

As many of you know, I am taking off a few weeks from posting on my blog.

I've arranged for some great authors to step in on my behalf.

But still, I wanted to take this moment to thank you for your incredible love and support.

Though most of you don't post directly on the blog (I know, it's sort of scary!), I hear from you via email.

I am excited about what God is doing and where He is taking this ministry.

I so appreciate your prayers and insights.

In the coming months we will be working behind the scenes to revamp my website and launch a more interactive blog. I'll continue with this weekly devotional blog because I want you to have a place to come anonymously and get your cup filled, but new and exciting things are on the horizon as well.

Starting with my January Ezine, I will be doing giveaways in each issue.

If you haven't signed up for my Ezine, do so today! Susie's Ezine

Just four times a year you'll receive my Ezine which includes health and balance tips, great book recommendations, a deeper life devotional thought, and a prayer to send you on your way.

Though you may be tempted to be caught up in the hurryings of the season, I pray you'll make and take moments to embrace peace and rest.

Be at peace once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you!

I love and appreciate you all.

My family and I wish you a most blessed and beautiful Christmas holiday.

Peace to you~


Sorry, Folks!


Hello, Everyone!

Susie Larson here...

You regular visitors know that I am pretty consistent with my weekly posts. Well, today I must ask for some grace. My day is bursting at the seams with two radio interviews and back to back meetings. I am also prepping for an out-of-state retreat and racing toward a book deadline.

I've been meaning to get my blog post done but I just don't have it to give today.

In fact, I really covet your prayers during this marathon month.

I hope and pray this note finds you well and walking in the grace of Jesus!

I thank God for your faithful visits to this site!

Next week I'll be writing from California.

Be blessed, my friend.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Greetings, Everyone!

I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a "Blog-Break" for a couple of weeks to enjoy the holidays with my family.

If you want to read a fun blog about my New Year Resolutions, visit the CAN Blog. The easiest way to access that Blog is to go to my website at: and then click on the Christian Authors Network Blog link in the left margin.

I pray you'll be inspired.

I will return on Monday, January 8th.

Be blessed, my friends!
