One More Week...

Hi Friends,
Hi Friends,
Hi Sweet Friends!
Susie Larson here...
As many of you know, I am taking off a few weeks from posting on my blog.
I've arranged for some great authors to step in on my behalf.
But still, I wanted to take this moment to thank you for your incredible love and support.
Though most of you don't post directly on the blog (I know, it's sort of scary!), I hear from you via email.
I am excited about what God is doing and where He is taking this ministry.
I so appreciate your prayers and insights.
In the coming months we will be working behind the scenes to revamp my website and launch a more interactive blog. I'll continue with this weekly devotional blog because I want you to have a place to come anonymously and get your cup filled, but new and exciting things are on the horizon as well.
Starting with my January Ezine, I will be doing giveaways in each issue.
If you haven't signed up for my Ezine, do so today! Susie's Ezine
Just four times a year you'll receive my Ezine which includes health and balance tips, great book recommendations, a deeper life devotional thought, and a prayer to send you on your way.
Though you may be tempted to be caught up in the hurryings of the season, I pray you'll make and take moments to embrace peace and rest.
Be at peace once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you!
I love and appreciate you all.
My family and I wish you a most blessed and beautiful Christmas holiday.
Peace to you~
Hello, Everyone!
You regular visitors know that I am pretty consistent with my weekly posts. Well, today I must ask for some grace. My day is bursting at the seams with two radio interviews and back to back meetings. I am also prepping for an out-of-state retreat and racing toward a book deadline.
I've been meaning to get my blog post done but I just don't have it to give today.
In fact, I really covet your prayers during this marathon month.
I hope and pray this note finds you well and walking in the grace of Jesus!
I thank God for your faithful visits to this site!
Next week I'll be writing from California.
Be blessed, my friend.
Greetings, Everyone!
I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a "Blog-Break" for a couple of weeks to enjoy the holidays with my family.
If you want to read a fun blog about my New Year Resolutions, visit the CAN Blog. The easiest way to access that Blog is to go to my website at: and then click on the Christian Authors Network Blog link in the left margin.
I pray you'll be inspired.
I will return on Monday, January 8th.
Be blessed, my friends!