And More Will Be Given...

Happy Wednesday, Everyone! Susie Larson here!
And to those visiting, I say welcome! I post every Wednesday and my sole purpose is to nourish your soul along the way...
Each month I give away a $10.00 Starbucks gift card to someone who posts on my blog. So leave a post, share an insight, bless lots of people, and just maybe you'll win a jolt of java for you and a friend!
Now on to my topic...
Well, this morning as I prayed about today's blog post, the words, "And more will be given" kept running through my mind. And I think it's a great topic for today.
May we give God our listening ear, our hopes and passions, our gifts and talents, and even our weak and feeble attempts to serve Him. God is the Divine Multiplier! He takes our puny little offering and He makes something of it. And, He deposits Heaven's resources into our lives because He is after a return on His investment in us.
Let's look at a couple of verses that speak to the 'more' that He wants to give to us:
Matthew 13:12
To those who listen to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.
What's exciting to me is that God calls us to LISTEN, why? Because He has some things He wants to say to us! God wants to speak to us! In fact, the Bible also says that God - the Creator of Heaven and Earth - confides in those who fear Him. He leans in and whispers profound secrets of wisdom and truth to those who honor and esteem His Name. Isn't that just amazing? But since that's true, may we remember that He is God and thus, be ever listening for His still, small voice.
How many times throughout the Bible do we read these words, "Listen!"? In the New Testament, God speaks out these words, "This is My Beloved Son. Listen to Him."
To whom much is given, much is required. Since God has given us His Son that we might have access to His presence and promises, He expects that we will listen and respond to His direction and leading in our lives. And it's not because He is a micro manager. He is LOVE. He is GOOD. He knows BEST. And loves us MOST. He has our best interest at heart and is very protective of our lives and our dreams. He knows that we can't go this alone.
For those who heed the gentle voice and who do what He says, more clarity will be given. More insight and inspiration will be entrusted to them. Imagine, God's voice becoming clearer to you; more distinctive; more profound. What a priceless gift He has offered us here.
But there's a downside to this promise. Those who get so busy with life that they miss what He says, will lose their sense of spiritual receptivity. Those who coddle their fears more than they cling to the promises of God, will not hear God's voice when He calls them to a more spacious and free place. Can you think of a more devastating loss than to lose the sense of God's voice in your ear?
It matters if we listen or if we don't.
Here is another verse to consider:
Matthew 25:29
To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away.
Here again we are called to steward well what we've been given. If we take for granted the gifts of God, they will, in due time, slip through our fingertips.
What have you been given? If you've received any encouragement from others, give some away. If you have food in your cupboards, give some away. If you've been offered a forgiveness you don't deserve (which, you have) offer forgiveness to someone who doesn't deserve it.
And how about the gifts and talents God has given you? Whether you work in the ministry or in the corporate world, whether you're raising children or caring for your elderly parents; all of these are sacred when done with Jesus in mind. Bloom where you're planted. Use the gifts God has given you for His glory. Live with passion, conviction, courage, and compassion. Sow seeds of faith. Embrace hope. Walk in love.
Let everything you do, be done with Him in mind. And as you pour out your life to a world in need, more - much more - will be given to you.
You are SO precious to God. May you live like you believe it.
~Until next week.
Reader Comments (5)
Thanks for the blog Susie! This was encouraging, and scary for me. In my heart I love God and I want what He has and I want to love Him and follow Him wholeheartedly. I have been finding it hard to follow His voice (the scary part) but I think I make it so complex and it scares me that I feel can't hear at times-if that makes sense. Being a stay at home Mom with very young ones it is so hard to make time to listen. I try to do what I can throughout my day-put on worship music, read a verse or a devotional here and there. But it's so hard to sit, clear my mind, and listen. I'm praying that he will clear any fog I've been living in because I do want to hear Him and follow His way-I know it is always best. Thanks again-God bless<3
Thank you Susie for this Great post! This is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you for reminding me that my gifts and talents are clearly from the Lord. Without having Jesus in my life and in control of my life I am or have nothing. God Bless you and continue to Love Well!
Thank you Susie for this great Post! Your words touched my heart! Deep down in my soul I long to serve God in spirit and in truth. I want to live for him and spend more time in His word .I thank God for all He brings my way. He is a loving and failthfull God .He has blessed me in all areas of my life. I wish I can find the way to give more of myself to God and to those who are in need.
As I read Mathew 25:29 I pray: Lord give me the wisdom and strength I need to serve you. Bless Susie Larson for her great ministry and to all those who are touch by your Holy Word.
Blessings and love be always yours <3
Dear Susie,
I feel like God directed me right to this blog. He knows what a big struggle I have been having lately with the issue of listening. To be more precise, I have been leaning my ear into what seems to be a great silence from God, just when I have needed it most. I recently had to make a very important decision about my career, and lamented over what to do about my circumstances for months. I have been crying out to God for wisdom in knowing what to do, but despite this, I still doubt the decisions I have made regarding my job. One of my favorite songs is by Sara Groves ("Hello Lord"), and I think I have worn it out on my iTunes. To say that I have been seeking God about this decision is an understatement. But I have some insight even tonight, reading this blog entry. You see, my job, which I resigned and then subsequently asked for back, took so much out of me that it robbed me of time with my husband, children, and most importantly, time with God. Church? Didn't have ANY time for it. Devotions....what are those again?...Let's not even talk about eating or sleeping- are those things really necessary anyway? This is what I know now. How can I hear Gods still small voice when I can barely make it through the day for lack of taking care of my basic physical needs, let aone be an instrument in his kingdom? How can I heed His calling when the only scripture I read the whole school year could be condensed into two pages in the Bible? In between a rock and a hard place...neglecting God for a job that pays the bills (that's all really), not understanding His will, and allowing my despair to crowd out any potential for a conversation between me and God. What was I thinking when I asked to go back to a job that consumed every single second of my waking life? More importantly, what was I listening to? FEAR, not God. Fear of not having enough money to make ends meet in this dismal economy, fear of having failed as a teacher, fear of never getting another job in this terrible job market, fear of not doing what God wants me to do with my life. I have no answer yet as to whether or not this job will take me back. However, at this moment, I am trying to get out of the way and stop listening to the enemy of my soul- the one who is delighted that I have neglected my relationship with God and put my job in front of my marriage and my children. I am listening to God speak to me now. Actually, it's more of a foghorn in my sphere of audition. GOD IS THE ONLY THING THAT TRULY MATTERS IN THIS LIFE, and it would behoove me to stop worrying about ME, and focus on HIM ALONE. What a simple, yet profound lesson.
Me: God, I can't hear you. God: Catherine, I am speaking, but it's hard for you to hear me through all of that noise.
I see. I mean, I hear.
Thank you for your wise and comforting words.
I've heard messages on this passage as connecting with our roles/positions in "New Creation" as well....which goes well with Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 3:15. If what we're living toward is toward will be a rewarding transition. If we're building toward things that will not be a part of His Kingdom....even as Christ-followers....we may be saved....but it may hurt a bit to lose some of these things. :) May we live toward our gifts/roles in Christ!!