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Be My Guest? 

Hey Friends,

I'm taking the next two weeks off from blogging and would LOVE to have you post in my stead. I know that lots of my visitors not only read my blog posts but also your comments. So, will you be my guest? Share what God has been teaching you these days. Maybe a passage of scripture has been really speaking to you, or maybe you've recently learned a valuable faith lesson. We'd love to hear about it! Just post in the 'comment' section for all to see!

When I return on Wednesday, July 18th, I'll pick a couple of the posts and send you a book, a CD, a DVD, or a gift card, whichever you prefer and, I may do a short interview with you for the show.

Share your thoughts and bless lots of friends! On your mark, get set, GO!

Blessings in Christ to you all~


Reader Comments (12)

Susie ~ wishinhg you a restful couple of weeks!

My ears have been wide open and can I hear my God!!!! I have gone from a "buffet Christian" lifestyle to a true follower of His word, and everywhere I turn I feel His encouragement, I am single (divorced) and long to share my heart with the man God has designed for me. It hasn't happened yet and although I am content in my circumstances, I still think about it, Well, between the Christian music I hear and some radio and podcasts (all Christian), the messages all seem to be about this subject, in one way or another. God is reminding me about Proverbs 3:5-6. I trust in Him completely and when I face my trials and struggles and feel the darkness, I remind myself that I am under His wing!!!! He is carrying me and protecting me ~ Also, Proverbs 31:10-31 - how I am so committed to being a virtuous woman ~ I will wait on the Lord. It is all in His timing.

July 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMary

God is teaching me to EMBRACE the trials and suffering in my life and view them as a precious gift from Him. He is using them in so many ways. Instead of fighting the suffering and seeing it as an attack of the evil one He's teaching me to change my attitude and find my joy and strength in Him. If you want to read all about it read my blog post entitled What Color Will Your Crown Be? ( He's saying so many other things as well. We had lots of time to talk last night when I couldn't sleep a wink :)

July 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJosie Siler

God is speaking so much to me lately. Reason being, I've chosen to stop and sit at His feet and listen for instruction. He's calling me to be less like Martha and more like Mary. I'm purposefully putting my hand in His to partner with Him for healing. Not so much physical, but healing from disappointments, regret, and unforgiveness. He's calling me to go deeper with Him and truly drink and eat His Word. It's such a sacred time for me right now, because not only is it needed. I so desire this intimacy with Him. I've carved out much needed time to place my focus on Him and just give Him my undivided attention. I realize that after my sabattical, I will come out stronger and more focused on what truly matters. He's getting me ready for this next level in Him and better able to pour into others. Romans 4:17 is catching my attention (Calling those things as though they were). I know without a doubt that my deliverance and total healing is here. I'm finally at this moment where I want to have more of Him...just Him....I've put so many others and "things" before Him. I'm ready and willing to do whats needed to bring about change and focus. I'm so thirsty for truth, healing, and direction. I just want Him that's all.

July 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDionnea Seals

Psalm 63:6-8
"On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you: your right hand upholds me."
These verses are a reminder to me of how dependent on my God I am and how much I need Him! Every breath, every moment, and every second is a gift from God Almighty. Whenever I think that I have my plan and I need to do it my way, the Lord humbles me to show that HE is in control if I am willing to give everything to Him. It's better when He is Lord of my life, not me. I praise Him for that because He has shown me some very exciting things when I am in HIS will. Much joy comes from surrendering everything to God!

July 6, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbecky harder

I’ve been learning to be more intentional about modeling gratefulness and helping my kids to express their own gratitude to God for all of his good gifts. At times, it takes a great deal of deliberateness, but it certainly beats the alternative, complaining. Making a list can help (

July 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnita D

I've just been learning more and more about God's beauty, His care for our lives and walking in the plan He has for my life. I truly love the Lord and appreciate every day He has given me. As I'm writing this I'm fighting back tears thinking about His grace & mercy. I am humbled by the things He has brought in my life and I'm grateful that I'm here & able to experience my life. Thank you God for your hand of protection and your breath of life.

July 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa Holley

In The Course of Living, We Die Multiple Deaths

We must die multiple deaths this side of heaven. Death to dreams, agendas, plans, relationships, reputation, ideals... Pain is inevitable on this life-journey. Surrendering our agenda to God brings freedom, in that we don't bear the weight fully of the myriad of decisions we must make daily. He promises mercy and He promises to bring good out of the deaths we die if we love Him. Only God has the power to bring resurrection. Surrender is freeing, but never easy.

Not surrendering is to die those deaths and have no blessing from the losses we experience. With God is always hope. With God there is promise for redeeming our losses. With God, there is strength to face the future with joy that He is about the business of fulfilling us as only He can. Fully, perfectly. For the joy of being with Him, every pain endured has great value.

The seed must go into the ground in darkness and die in order for the plant to grow and bear life-giving fruit. Through painful labor a baby is born. These are parables for us to glean from in times of pain. Saying, "Hope!"

When we embarked on this journey with Jesus, when He held out His hand and said, "come." We didn't know what was ahead. We have died many deaths. Not nearly as painful as many who are close to me. Not death of a child, not death to our health, but small deaths. For me personally, a death to a season of life due to anxiety induced depression. I look back and see myself lifeless in my mission. Like an over-boiled noodle. I can't get those years back.

Today at the airport, saying goodbye again to my husband (who has been working away from home for the greater part of three years), a little death. Life has been a strain for him at work these past six weeks. He is quiet. For anyone who knows him...not his usual self. The job is hard. The surrender of the farm-dream is hard, as we are in the process of selling our hobby farm. Not having control over the future is hard. And all we have... after letting go of everything familiar...well, it is more than enough, for we have God. And God is all we need. We can trust that He holds the future. He has always been good. He has a secure plan and knowing that is enough.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."

Praying for you Susie...times of refreshing!

July 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKathy Schwanke

Hi again Susie! I didn't know which one to submit, so If I can submit two, here is another...

Activate Faith: Remember What God Has Done.

In THIS (fill-in-the-blank) situation, what does FAITH look like? How do I go about activating it?

My husband Dale and I are currently facing life in the vast unknown. Since he has been working away from home for three years, I have born the responsibility of our hobby farm as well as my little struggling gift shop. He has applied for many jobs that would enable us to live {what to us would be} a more "normal life", but his applications seemingly get lost in the cyber-piles in someone's inbox. We are thankful for his job for sure and the road could be much rougher.

I also would dishonor God if I failed to mention the many blessings along this journey that we are grateful for, like my visits to Florida oceans and Montana mountains. But we are weary. It is difficult for me to be scattered, I like we are praying and waiting for the Lord to open or close doors. Selling the farm would enable us to expand our options, and if God would keep him traveling, at least I would not feel as stretched if unburdened from our large yard, gardens and shop.

So after two years we have a buyer, but now are unsure of where we will put down roots.

When God called Abraham to leave his family and go, he didn't know where he was going either and I keep reminding myself that I don't have to live in a tent in a desert. (!!) I don't really know if Canaan is a desert, but that is what I picture in my mind from photos I have seen of Israel. I probably should do some research on that. After all, it was the Promised Land. A land "flowing with milk and honey"...I wonder why I think of it as a desert?

I wonder too if that is the problem with we-the-people and faith. We believe wrong things about God and His promised provision. We doubt He is good when life hurts? We have pictures in our mind of what things "should look like" in a given situation and when it isn't like that we get shook up and fearful.

When Israel was facing one of their faith-failures for forty days for fear of a 9' man-beast, I can't say I blame them for seeming so wimpy. I do that. Though I have never faced a Goliath, I have faced other such large obstacles that threatened to topple me.

Like mountains of medical debt after the birth and surgery of our son, mounting bills, little income, loss of job...One year in the 90'sour Social Security statement shows we made somewhere under $10,000.00. We look at that statement, and ask "HOW? How did we manage that year???" I remember friends bringing me groceries, Dale's parents selling us a car cheap. Clothing donations from our church and hand-me-downs from family members.

And I know, there is only one answer to the 'HOW?' question. We were the blessed recipients of grace. Grace is unmerited favor. Blessings for the unworthy. That was us. If there was a fiscal responsibility class, we would have failed. We had no power to sustain ourselves or make any more money. The Lord knows how hard we tried, all the routes our minds and our creativity took us. Dale always said, "We have more month than money!" He was right. But we made it. We prayed a LOT and had others praying with us. In our fear, we activated faith by prayer and remembering the works of God.

~And this I call to mind (remember) in the times of the vast unknown: The Lord is faithful to all His promises and loving toward all He has made. Psalm 145:13 (and the entire psalm really!)

And grace. Beautiful. Wonderful. Grace.
From the fullness of His grace, we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16

Have you noticed that giants are the things that threaten to take us down on our way to the places of promise?

July 10, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKathy Schwanke

Thanks for the invitation to share. Here's something I've been learning:

I usually start my time with God reading a short passage of praise. The other day I came to Psalm 108:

 1 My heart, O God, is steadfast;
   I will sing and make music with all my soul.
2 Awake, harp and lyre!
   I will awaken the dawn.
3 I will praise you, LORD, among the nations;
   I will sing of You among the peoples.
4 For great is Your love, higher than the heavens;
   Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.

I was struck by the psalmist saying that his heart was steadfast, particularly because the day before I had read about God's steadfast love in Lamentations 3:22, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end."

Now if you'd asked me to pick who is steadfast, the Lord or me, well, there'd be no debate. I can be so fickle. I so easily turn from my heart's true desire--to experience God's love and grace--and live instead for my self.

But in this psalm I saw that I can become more steadfast as I reflect on how God is steadfast. That's what the psalmist does. He reminds us that God's love is so great it is higher than the heavens, and His faithfulness goes so far, it reaches the sky.

My heart really does become steadfast when I dwell on who God is: loving and faithful, just and merciful and unchanging. Because He is steadfast, I can rest secure. And the more I look into His heart, the more my heart reflects His glory. Soon I have a joy so deep and rich that I sing loud enough to wake up the morning. Steadfast and joyful--what a great combination!

July 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAnnie Wald

(note, edited by Donna Jump- with the EFCA web)

“Every day has a sense of fragility about it and yet the Lord gives me ‘life trajectory’, and
in that I step forward, one path stone at a time. Really, we all live that way – I just seem to be acutely aware of it more than ever before.” Cynthia Dainsberg

What is ‘My Purpose’ When Life is Uncertain
by Cynthia Dainsberg, RN, FCN Calvary EFC, Walker, MN
Cynthia, is a Pastor’s wife, mother of three young adults, home educator, Faith Community Nurse, challenged by chronic illness, and is a writer.

I was talking with a friend the other day about ‘purpose.’ It is a subject about which I’ve given quite a bit of thought, particularly the last few years.

I’d never quite gotten the whole ‘purpose driven’ thing. For some reason it just felt like I was missing something. It felt like too much emphasis was on the ‘my’ part. Last week it came together in my mind. I don’t need to exert all this energy in determining my ‘purpose’ or trying to determine exactly ‘what I am to do.’ My purpose is to a) glorify God, and b) edify the Body.

This twin-purpose creates a trajectory in my life. He gives me just enough vision to give me something to aim for and enough Light to see the stone on my life’s path. God’s told me in His Word, His will for me is to “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks…for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thess. 5:16-18

This is important as these days I am all the more acutely aware of the fragility of life.
A couple years ago I experienced a Thyroid Storm during a bout with the Norwalk virus. Recently I experienced a severe anaphylactic (extreme allergic) reaction. I am battling Late Stage Neuroborreliosis + Co-Infections (5). Sometimes this is lumped under the name of Late Stage Lyme Disease. A great deal of damage has already been done due to the disease. Given this battle, only God knows the length of my days and to what degree I will be able to participate in life on any given day.

When you fight a debilitating disease, you try to figure out what ‘my purpose’ is in all this. You wonder the purpose in your future. You wonder if you even have a ‘future.’ Wrestling with these thoughts put me on a rollercoaster ride from depression to exhilaration. There were days I spent more energy than I had fretting about ‘what I can do or will do.’

Understanding my twin purpose, I now take life one ‘stone’ (step) at a time. However many days the LORD ordains, in obedience and trust in my LORD I move forward. I know my purpose: to glorify Him and edify the Body in whatever circumstance He allows for however many days He gives me.

“…as for me, I will hope continually, and will praise Thee yet more and more.
My mouth shall tell of Thy righteousness and of Thy salvation all day long.
Psalm 71:14-15

“On the day I called Thou didst answer me. Thou didst make me bold with strength in my soul. The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Thy loving-kindness, O LORD, is everlasting.”
Psalm 138:3, 8

July 18, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercynthia dainsberg

I have been struggling with God for a while now. i would say it's been almost 3 years. I didnt how or why i have come to struggle with God, but now i as i look back; i realized that in my last year in High School was hard when think about step into college. at he same time, that period of time there, all the hight school girls everyone was talking about body image and all the sudden i came to see myself fat. on top of it, my Dad who lived in Laos had passed away without a word. i very depress even now. Glad that things are getting better. Thank you so much for your Book " the lies women believe." After reading your book, it's opened my eyes so much things. the most important wast that you mentioned int he book that you hold a radio show on Faithradio. Ever since i listent to it all the times. it's improved my English as well as me walking with God more. Thanks God for you.

July 18, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterUNKNOWN

The Christ Honoring Practicum Of Contentment: From Sapling Tree To Mighty Oak

Psalms 118:24
This is the day the Lord hath made: we will rejoice and be glad in it.

The darkened, destructive, fiery darts
Of the enemy are thwarted
When a child of God can
Triumphantly say,
"This is the day the Lord has made;
I will rejoice and be glad in it."

And is not the storm
The magnificent instrument sent
To turn the sapling tree
Into a mighty oak of God's righteousness?

July 23, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDebbie Harris

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